Sunday, September 4, 2011


BEIJING (The polling Report) – Labor Day, one of America’s most beloved and longest-celebrated holidays, has been officially moved to China, U.S. officials confirmed today.

The Labor Day celebrations are expected to kick off Monday afternoon in Beijing with a barbeque attended by over seven million people and presided over by former NBA star Yao Ming.

The transfer of Labor Day to China represents the first time in American history that an entire holiday has been outsourced, experts said.

“It may be just as well,” said the University of Minnesota’s Davis Logsdon, who has lectured extensively on Labor Day traditions.  “It’s been getting harder and harder for Americans to remember what labor is.”

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I wonder did the children suffer more, 

or the parents who couldn't provide for them? 

I will be heading for the beach and pervert thing;



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