Sunday, November 18, 2012


This is a photo blog that asks the questions; is PI (π) embedded in our RNA code and are there right angels in nature? 

HIV virus

 The Flu "bug"

A marine diatom, surrounded by coccoliths. 
Both diatoms and coccolithophores are phytoplankton.

Coccolithophores are microscopic algae that 
first appeared 220 million years ago

Do right angles occur very often in nature? I found that to be an intriguing question ... I could not find many and those mostly were in the world of crystals ... here are a few examples:


pyrite crystals


Magnified Snow Flake

Iron sulfide spheres on calcite crystals

I could browse through FEI’s photostream for hours. They have posted hundreds of photos taken by their electron microscopes, all of which are interesting and breathtaking.

Are you a living creature? 
Congrats, you have DNA
This time we ain't talking 
about Drugs N Alcohol. 


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