Saturday, January 19, 2013

Janis Joplin Reflections

“I want to be the biggest blues singer in the world!” That’s what Janis Joplin told her producer Paul Rothchild when he asked her where she wanted to be at age 65. Five years past that landmark, January 19, 2013, would have been Janis Joplin’s 70th birthday. She didn’t make it to “retirement age,” but she had already achieved her espoused goal in her way-too-short lifetime.

In a cruel joke Janis Joplin was voted "Ugliest Man On Campus" by the fraternities at Texas University.

"I got treated very badly in Texas. They don't treat beatniks too good in Texas. Port Arthur people thought I was a beatnik, though they'd never seen one and neither had I." - Janis Joplin 

Vogue magazine declared Janis Joplin “the most staggering leading woman in rock.” 

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