Friday, January 4, 2013


I just received an e-mail from Fred Dude, asking if Lucy Pinder's (the nymph) boobs float. 

Not so long ago, there would have been only one answer to this question. Today, however, the question begs clarification with a follow-up question: What are the boobs made of? Natural boobs and fake or enhanced boobs have very different physical properties. 

Lucy Pinder's Topless Calendar

Natural boobs are composed of 90% body fat. The glands that produce milk and the ducts through which the milk flows are actually very small parts of the total boobs. Whether something floats or not depends on the density of the object and the type of water. Salt water is denser than fresh water. If an object has less density than the water, it rises to the top, or floats. Human body fat is less dense than water. In unscientific experiments, natural boobs are shown to float. Whether or not the boobs can support the entire upper body, making a whole person float, depends on the size of the boobs. If the boobs were detached from the body, any size would float in both fresh and salt water.

If the boobs are not real, the answer to another question must first be ascertained: What, exactly, are the boobs made of? Almost all fake boobs are made of plastic bags filled with either a saline solution or silicone. Silicone is denser than both fresh and salt water. This means that silicone boobs will sink. Saline solution is another name for salt water. Since salt water is denser than fresh water, saline boobs will sink in fresh water. In most salt water, saline boobs will just hang in place at the depth they are placed. They won’t sink and they won’t float. The saline boobs may sink or float very slowly, though, depending on the exact salinity of the water.
Lucy Pinder on Facebook

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Lots of HQ photos of Lucy Pinder's boobs 

Probably the largest Lucy Pinder video collection on the net

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I have to conclude that yes natural boobs float 

Adjustable flotation devise (PFD)

Do these shorts make my ass look fat?

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un called for an end to confrontation between the two Koreas, technically still at war in the absence of a peace treaty to end their 1950-53 conflict, in a surprise New Year's broadcast on state media.

A chronology of key events in the history of North Korea

In Russia they love to conduct different “Miss Something” contests too. This photos are from the “Miss Atomic” one. It’s like a contest among the women employees of nuclear industry. Girls working at atomic power plants and stuff have participated.

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All young girls want to be Miss Atomic Bomb
Nuclear Retro Stuff 

This is by far one of the coolest things you’ll see all day. We are not talking a a toy ship and a colossal fart in the bathtub. Just some awesome short videos that will blow you away!

nuclear bomb explosion at sea with its effects on ships an the bikini atolls.

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Van Gogh chops off ear

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Van Gogh, parodies and geeks

Oh damn, Sarah Palin murdered Big Foot!

Were There Once Giant Humans on Earth?

This story starts a few years ago. Not sixty million years ago.

The hoax began with a doctored photo and later found a receptive online audience—thanks perhaps to the image's unintended religious connotations.

The National Geographic Society has not discovered ancient giant humans, despite rampant reports and pictures.

It seems that in a very short period of time they were finding "Giant Humans" everywhere

Giant Humans and Dinosaurs

French Hand Job Techniques From The '70s

There’s nothing wrong with applying some warmth; women just shouldn’t do so in any of the ways recommended in Cosmo. They should instead engage in the following heat-related activities that will truly. Electrify. Every. Single. Fiber. Of his being.

Preheat the oven to the recommended temperature so his steak or frozen pizza will be evenly cooked and piping hot when the dinner bell rings.



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