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Saturday, September 29, 2012


I have stumbled upon something never discovered. Using keen observations and a few beers, I have isolated a new gene and have filed for a patent! I’m going to name the Gene – addiction2chillies (A2C). This gene is the reason why Thai women are addicted to prik kee nu chilis.*** See the 555?  To say five in Thailand the word sounds like "Ha". therefore, 555 sounds...

Cat and the Buttered Toast Paradox

Murphy's law application for antigravitatory cats  Trudi asks "When buttered toast is dropped it usually lands buttered side down and when a cat falls it usually lands on it's feet. So if you strap a piece of buttered toast to a cat's back what happens when the cat falls off of something?"Will the cat land on it's feet defeating the buttered toast theory or will...

Friday, September 28, 2012

Travel Posters For The Lazy

More Poster Hilarity:Drug Vacation PostersIf Propaganda Posters Where Made Today16 Of The Most Ridiculous Album CoversThe 26 Best Blaxplotation Movie PostersAwesome Apocalyptic Pin-Up Girls Calen...

Who Makes These Movies - Ridiculous Shark Movies.

 More Awesome Movie Stuff:The 26 Best Blaxplotation Movie PostersHollywood's Generic Movie Poster ClichesMovie Crossovers = Hillarious Movie Posters13 B-Movie Posters About Women PrisonsHilariously Awesome 70's B-Movie PostersAwesome Movie Poster Parod...

Judith Ann Braun's Fingers Are Magical


World's Best Father Dave Engledow


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