Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Meet Sherlyn Chopra the Bollywood bombshell, Sherlyn Chopra will be the first Indian To Pose For Playboy.  Sherlyn Chopra's decision to shed her sari is under fire in her homeland, where the magazine is banned. 
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Sherlyn Chopra got the gig after she wrote a letter to Hugh Hefner asking to be in the magazine after pleading that no Indian has ever had the honor. Her issue comes out in November.
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Playboy is illegal in India, where Sherlyn Chopra is still based.  In fact, in many parts of the Asia/Middle Eastern region, the magazine is banned, which will certainly hamper the exposure ofSherlyn Chopra’s pictorial in her most lucrative territories.

 Playboy is banned in China except for Hong Kong, censored in Japan, and banned in Indonesia.

Bad decision-making (corruption?) was the main reason for a violent environmental protests inShifang, Sichuan and Qidong, eastern China during the last month.  [Qidong China Protest Photos]

And in an oh-so-predictable fashion, the local government is now on the hunt for ringleaders of the protest: On its official micro blog, the Shifang government on Tuesday called on locals who have used the Internet, text messages and other means of "incitement" to "immediately stop their illegal activities". Public security officials will be lenient to people who surrender within three days for their roles in "incitement, planning and organizing the illegal assembly demonstrations and vandalizing", the government promised. But the rest would face harsher treatment. "For those who refuse to surrender, upon investigation, the public security organs will severely punish them in accordance with the law," it said, without adding what action lay in store.

Hillary Clinton was the head of the Young Republicans at Wellesley College. Both of her parents were Republicans also! During her time at Wellesley, she slowly became more leftward in her politics.

Proof that Janet Reno isn't asexual...  Why not portray her as a man, or as a slut, or as a lesbian, or, better yet, as some strange and awful combination of the three!

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As a blogger you got to love the Republican Party and phallic type foods, like corn dogs. These candidates have been around long enough to know that the press will abuse their effort at self promotion. The big question is why the anti-gay candidates would chose such unhealthy gay food.

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“On the evening of May 20,” begins an article in the June 16, 1941, issue of LIFE magazine, “members of the Young Women’s Republican Club of Milford, Conn., explored the pleasures of tobacco, poker, the strip tease and such other masculine enjoyments as had frequently cost them the evening companionship of husbands, sons and brothers.”

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Thus the storied weekly and photographer Nina Leen chronicled the shenanigans that erupted when a group of GOP women got together for an old-fashioned “smoker” (noun: an informal social gathering for men only) on one long, memorable night in southern New England.

Eleanor Roosevelt had extramarital relations with women.
Franklin D. Roosevelt (who was also Eleanor's cousin) had plenty of flings and relationships with other women, including Lucy Mercer, Eleanor's social secretary. Eleanor's closest female relationship was with reporter Lorena Hickok (pictured above). They wrote each other intimate love letters, and Eleanor once wrote, "I wish I could lie down beside you tonight & take you in my arms." It is said that her affairs with other women spurred her to fight aggressively for women's equal rights.

Many historians believe that James Buchanan was the first gay president of the United States. Buchanan was said to have a love affair with William Rufus King, a senator from Alabama.

Artoria was a tattoo attraction that worked for 35 years in circus and carnival sideshows. Artoria was the stage name for Mrs. C. W. (Red) Gibbons.

Artoria was born on a farm in upper Wisconsin. Her parents were poor and by the age of 14 she decided to leave home. When she was interviewed by Arthur Lewis, writer and author of the book, Carnival, she said: I never been no place in my life. While hanging around a local carnival sideshow she met Red Gibbons. Him and me got to talking, told me the show didn’t have no tattooed lady and would I like to be one. Said he was the tattoo artist and if I let him tattoo me I could join the show and see the world. Well that’s what I done. We was married soon after that and we both had a good life. There ain’t hardly no place in the country I ain’t been to but when he died (late 1940’s) I went into retirement out on the west coast. 

Artoria’s tattoos were amazing: magnificent reproductions of paintings by Raphael and Michelangelo and a few patriotic designs but for those few exceptions the main inspiration is Italian. My husband done everyone of them, she said proudly. They’re all masterpieces. He was crazy ‘bout eyetalian (sic) painters. 


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