Tuesday, September 4, 2012



GOODSTUFF’S CYBER WORLD is more than a “virtual entity” -- therefore, we hereby make the following declaration

Our home is on the northern edge of Goodstuff's lunar crater and we are claiming squatters rights. We are also claiming mineral and ice rights on the northern ridge and slopes of Goodstuff crater. Furthermore, we have the right of surface and space access to our home.

It should be noted that Goodstuff’s cyber world would like to create a lunar settlement. If you would like to help or support this endeavor please respond via the comments section

The intent of this declaration is to give future Goodstuff’s Cyber World generations a “lunar advantage”. The concept was born July 2005. After a good deal of surfing the internet, nothing was found that forbids development on the moon and actually encourages a first come, first served opportunity.

 Goodstuff's crater is located in the highlands close to the Lunar North Pole, near three large impact craters called Peary, Hermite and Byrd.

The legal issues concerning ownership of extra-terrestrial real estate are still extremely vague. One of the underlying issues is whether private ownership of such property is recognized or not. It is generally accepted that, as stated by the United Nations "Outer Space Treaty", space is the "domain of all mankind", and can no longer be claimed by any governments.
 It omits mentioning private individuals.

Legal experts agree that private ownership of the Moon is not explicitly forbidden in the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 which states that only governments are not allowed to own lunar or celestial property. The Outer Space Treaty has been currently ratified by 98 countries as well as all space faring nations.

Because private ownership was not included in the Outer Space Treaty, a new treaty, the Moon Treaty of 1982 attempted to explicitly fix this omission by forbidding private ownership of the Moon and the celestial bodies. After three attempts in the UN, neither the United States nor any other major or space faring nation has signed or ratified the treaty, for fear that private exploitation of the Moon and its resources would be hampered by the treaty.

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