Saturday, September 8, 2012

HUGO CHAVEZ Will Not Go Away

Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez is seeking a new six-year term in an October election. Hugo Chavez, who hopes to be reelected for a new term after 14 years in power, also renewed his warning that the presidential candidate of the opposition, former governor of the state of Miranda, Henrique Capriles, plans to claim fraud on Election Day. Hugo Chavez added that everyone in Venezuela already knows what the results will be.

How many South American leaders can you name? Most people that keep up with current events will recognize Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela. and the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution. I believe the reason for this is the way Hugo Chavez uses the press via "shocking self promotion". Which would also explain why the main stream Media hates him and his history

The Obama administration slammed Hugo Chavez for “horrific and reprehensible” suggestions that the United States may have found a way to cause his cancer and that of other Latin American leaders.
The Venezuelan president, who had surgery in June to remove a tumor, speculated in a nationally televised speech  about the possibility that America has developed “the technology” to induce cancer

Hugo Chavez blasted President Barack Obama as a “clown” and an “embarrassment” 

Former President Bush Calls Hugo Chavez "An Ass."  

King Juan Carlos I of Spain tells Hugo Chávez "Why don't you shut up"

After taking office in 1999, the former paratrooper provoked international uproar when he wrote to Ilich Ramirez Sanchez (Carlos the Jackal) in prison, addressing him as "Dear Compatriot", and has previously described him as a friend. Addressing a gathering of socialist politicians from 40 countries, Hugo Chavez claimed that Ramirez had paid the price for his defence of the Palestinian cause. "How many Palestinians keep dying?" he added. "They accuse him of being a terrorist, but Carlos really was a revolutionary fighter," he said.

The fiery anti-American leader sought to defend leaders he said were wrongly branded "bad guys", heaping praise on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe, who he called "brothers".

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has charged, however, that "the empire (meaning, the United States) is taking hold of Haiti over the bodies and tears of its people."

Side Note : The news is reporting on something maddeningly crazy that Hugo Chavez has said, only when you conduct your own independent investigation involving sophisticated journalistic techniques (Google) you find out that it is all, in fact, complete bullshit. 

Photo source - If Pirates Ruled

May 08 -- The Venezuelan government on Friday started the process to nationalize sixty oil service contractors and place them under the control of the state oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela. President Hugo Chavez, in the oil rich state of Zulia, as he toured the newly expropriated installations he stated "We are advancing the construction of socialism," 

Many owners, managers, and commentators working for the five major private mainstream television networks and largest mainstream newspapers had stated their opposition to Hugo Chavez's policies. These media outlets have accused the Hugo Chavez administration of intimidating their journalists using specially dispatched gangs. Chavez in turn alleges that the owners of these networks have primary allegiance not to Venezuela but to the United States. 

Hugo Chavez has called for Internet regulations and demanded that authorities crack down on a news web site he accused of spreading false information, according to media reports. "The Internet cannot be something open where anything is said and done. No, every country has to apply its own rules and norms," Hugo Chavez said during a televised speech


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