Thursday, October 25, 2012


 Wrestling Midgets Killed by Fake Hookers
The world of Mexican midget wrestling is in mourning after two of its most famous stars were apparently poisoned by fake prostitutes.

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Mexican sensation, midget wrestler, The Masked Mauler has thrown his hat into the ring, (literally), hoping to be the next opening act on Private Sector's "Disputin' Rasputin Tour".
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This photo of Fat Alf Kid is highly popular on the Internet. It’s been an oldie of the day, but our little guy has grown up since it was first posted online.

Meanwhile in, CHINA

Internet vigilantism is on the rise. So far, digital avengers have more or less limited their activities to shaming and exposing pedophiles, con men and giant douchebags. However, one can easily see a future where the moral-minded folks dish their harsh citizen justice out on anyone who steps outside the tight parameters of their idea of acceptable behavior.

In further dubious celebrity endorsement news,
Honey Boo Boo has endorsed Obama.

Honey Boo Boo, who usually passes as a sweet kid being being used as a meal ticket by her family, and at others she comes across as a bit of an obnoxious center-of-attention-type, spouting mildly inappropriate things like “A dolla makes me holla”, and “I want some mon-ayyyyy”. 

Maybe it's because Honey Boo Boo is often hopped up on GoGoJuice, a home made blend of Mountain Dew and Red Bull, given to her to get her hopped up before pageants.

A group called "Sugar Information" ran ads in the late 60s and early 70s promoting soft drinks as a way to fill up and suppress your appetite.
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I suspect that people who followed this advice were disappointed. The sugar crash from soft drinks is pretty widely believed to make you hungry, not full.
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Sugar just might be crystallized fairy dreams

Scarlett Johansson began acting during childhood, after her mother started taking her to auditions. She made her film debut at nine years old
Top 12 Sexy Scarlett Johansson GIFs
BTW - Scarlett Johansson does have boobs and a fine cleavage

James... James Bond Jr

Cooties come in 2 strains girls cooties and boys cooties. To prevent from contracting cooties avoid the opposite sex. If you have been in contact with the opposite sex get treatment immediately! 
Girls can spin in a circle and scream "NO COOTIES! NO COOTIES!" until the cooties fly off. For boys, a shot is usually necessary in the form of a punch in the shoulder from a trusted friend.

 Bonding with Wonder Woman 

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China Qing Dynasty Female Prisoners Postcard
with a four Cent Germany Guest Stamp 

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10 Beautiful Chinese Women Executed Over the Past 30 Years

The Stunt that REALLY got Pussy Riot in trouble was when they stormed the Christ The Savior Cathedral. Pussy Riot then started chanting "Mother Mary, Drive Putin Away" (with obscenities) while dancing a Can-Can, calling it their "Punk Prayer"

In this age of internet wonderment, we need new words. I would like to submit for your approval


[anatidae rhunkhos phobia]
{latin + greek + latin}

However, I think it would be easier to say "be afraid; be very afraid of duck bills"

During the slaving era; lip plates were worn by African women to scare away the raiding slavers. Works for me!

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More than a few Scientists from the outer worlds (Botulinum)  have concluded that these mutating human species will eventually morph into duck billed platypuses. Here on our plant, the people from the fowl think tank believed that the anorexic duckwalker sub class of duck bill mutants will morph into non migrating ducks. This is due to applying perceived beauty enhancing make-up inside their bodies.

A general consensus amongst the gossipers and some anthropologists; when red lipstick is applied to the woman's facial lips it creates an illusion of a wanton woman anxious for sexual fulfilment. Supposedly when the color red was worn it reminds her lovers of her fertility, it was also used to attract a new lover.

A Very Odd 1960s Japanese Sex Guide

"You're desthpicable!" - Daffy Duck

Scientists Discover That Chicken Does Not 
Actually Taste Like Chicken...

The Top 75 ‘Pictures of the Day’ for 2012


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