Donald Trump claims he has a Barack Obama bombshell... Longtime birther conspiracist Donald Trump said he has a big announcement to make on President Barack Obama. There are some possibly “Trumped-up Charges” circulating among Republican operatives that Obama allegedly used and sold cocaine while in college.
All this President Obama's citizenship crap is just that, crap. All those pious claims about the Constitution and the like is just crap.
GOODSTUFF - "Undermining the Presidency is like crapping in your own yard."
It has been proven that he is a US citizen.

To disregard all this evidence, one would have to believe that Barack Obama’s parents, along with the State of Hawaii engaged in a conspiracy to fake the birth of a half-black/half-white child in the United States in 1961 so that he could run for President 47 years later.
How can a few fringe people be right and the rest of the American government be covering up the issue. This theory that the entire American Government would never bother to look into/validate Obama's eligibility, or worse, hide his ineligibility is absolutely absurd.
I don't know what's more ridiculous, the fact that these theories are mustered up, that people buy into them, or that they get picked up by otherwise legitimate news outlets.
President Harry Truman
As Senator Joseph McCarthy's campaign against State Department and Justice Department officials continued...
President Harry Truman spoke against "scare mongers and hate mongers" who "are trying to create fear and suspicion among us by the use of slander, unproven accusations, and just plain lies."
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