Monday, October 1, 2012

Multiply ==>> Blogger

There are lots of issues transferring Multiply blogs and the like to Blogger or any other hosting site. One needs to transfer each blog, one by one. Therefore, I am posting how I am transferring my stuff. 

"Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs." Henry Ford

1) On Multiply blog copy/paste to Blogger
    a) Title
    b) tags to labels 
    c) Select all on the Multiply blog. 
       Then paste as text only on the Blogger blog
        1) this will remove the links and photos

2) Rehost any photos that Multiply has been hosting
   ** You do not want to "hot link" Multiply photos
    a) use Photobucket or some other host for your GIFs
        1) Blogger has a 1 Meg limit per blog
        2) Imgur is good for pictures/photos with a 
           height greater than 800
        3) turboimagehost is good for thumbs
        4) I have had bad experiences with sites that 
           pay you for hosting photos

3) Check the links and relink the text
    a) the keywords (tags) should have a link

4) transfer any videos
    1) makes for easier and faster editing


I just started Backing up at RedGage. Maybe make some beer money?

Facebook - I manually update by posting a photo, description and link. Going to try
some thing new with this blog using Buzzfeed

Pinterest - update with a photo, link and short description

Tumblr - can't hurt to update with a link

Email - "Beg" some of the big boys to post a link to the blog

post comment/links on the high some volume sites


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